Angel of Death


 Knight awoke at the insistent ringing of the phone.  Rolling over in his bed, the black silk sheets rustling, he reached for the instrument and muttered.
 Knight here."
 "Nicholas."  The voice was one that Knight was surprised to hear, at least on the phone.
 "LaCroix?"  Knight was alert now.
 "I need you to come to the club, Nicholas.  And bring your friend, Natalie." LaCroix's voice was pleasant, but there was a suggestion of an order there.  After all he had commanded the Roman army at one time!
 "Are you..hurt?"  Knight asked in surprise.  Why would a vampire need a doctor?
 "Ah, no.  But I do need the services of dear Natalie.  Please, Nicholas.  As soon as possible."  LaCroix's voice wasn't begging. He never begged!  But..
 "As soon as I can."  Knight promised.
 "Thank you."  LaCroix hung up, leaving the detective wondering how he would convince his friend to journey into the lions den!


 The club, Raven, was full with patrons, both mortal and vampire when Knight ushered Natalie Lambert toward the back.  She had been in the club a few times, but she still gawked at the strange sights.
 "Gee, Nick!  I think I liked it better when Ja'Net owned it!"  She said as a woman with many pierced body parts brushed past.
 Knight gave her a slight grin.  "It is different, I'll admit. There's LaCroix."
 Natalie paused, slightly. "I'm sorry, Nick. scares me some times!" She hissed this as the older vampire came up to them.
 LaCroix, a powerful built man, taller than Knight with extremely short light colored hair and penetrating eyes, said. "I thank you for coming, Doctor Lambert.  This way."
 They followed him to the back and to a room that was shielded by a heavy door.  Knight was surprised.  LaCroix was leading them to his resting place.  Like Knight, LaCroix preferred a bed to the commonly thought of coffin.  Natalie kept close to him as they entered.  There,in the middle of the room,( a sparsely furnished room at that) was a huge four poster bed.  On the bed was a woman wearing black, but obviously covered in blood.  Knight gave LaCroix a hard look, but he only said, "Wasn't me.  Doctor?"
 Natalie had been staring at the woman, but at the prod, quickly went over to the bed and bent over the woman.  Suddenly she looked at LaCroix and asked.
 "Is she a..vampire?"
 "I'll need some help to get her clothes off."  Natalie became all business then.
 With the vampire's help, the woman was striped so that her wounds could be tended.  Knight couldn't help but notice old scars on pale flesh as they did so.  Then as Natalie worked, Knight pulled his old master off to one side and asked.
 "Who is she?  How did this happen?"
 LaCroix watched the doctor work as he replied. "I'm not sure how this happened, not the exact details."
 "Where did you find her?  Here?"
 LaCroix laughed softly. "No.  She wouldn't of survived some of the ones gathered here tonight if that had been the case! Perhaps I better start at the beginning."

 It was before the club was to open and he needed to take a walk.  Not to feed, but to enjoy the night air and as usual, LaCroix walked alone.  He recalled how he and Nicholas often walked the night and suddenly he could smell blood.  Female blood! LaCroix paused and studied the buildings around him.  Most were derelict structures and the scent was coming from the one nearest him.  Curious, he entered the building without a sound.
 A street light barely made it to the second floor, but he didn't need the light to see the woman.  She was of average height, wearing black clothes and holding a large hand gun.  Blood covered her right shoulder and left side.  She rested against the wall, staring out of the glass less window, at the street below.
 "It appears you are in need of help."  LaCroix spoke softly, but the sound of his voice spooked the woman and she whirled to point the gun at him.  Amazingly, her hand holding the gun was rock steady.  This impressed the vampire.
 "Who the hell are you?"  She growled.  Her dark eyes glittered with purpose.  They also studied LaCroix, assessing him and her chances.
 "Just a passer by, there's no need for alarm. I assure you."  He coaxed softly, not using his powers.  Yet.
 The woman kept the gun aimed for a moment more then lowered it, but not putting it away.  It was available for quick use.     "You're not one of Mangoion's men."  She said this flatly.
 LaCroix gave a secret smile. "Indeed.  What ever would I be doing with that...person."  He had heard of Mangoion. A crime boss, his kind made the vampire grimaced.  Amateurs when it came to death, but they kept trying.
 "No, you don't seem like the kind of person to mix with the slime. And you aren't armed, are you?"  She wasn't really asking. She knew he carried no weapon, except himself, that is.
 "No, I don't use guns.  Or knifes."  He told her.  He had already assessed her injuries and he knew she wouldn't last long without treatment. He was amazed that she had lasted this long!  He took a step closer and the gun came up.
 "Mister, as you can see, I'm not in the mood for company.  I don't think your a cop.  In fact, "She paused and gazed at him more closely, "I'm not sure what you are!  But leave, okay?  If your here when those who are after me get here, your history."  She suddenly sounded tired.  But LaCroix heard concern in her voice.  Concern for him!  She thought him an innocent bystander!  How..quaint! Aware of the dripping blood and the woman's fading strength, LaCroix said.
 "Don't worry about me.  I'm quite capable of defending myself."
 She abruptly gave a short laugh. "This is crazy!  You aren't the least bit worried about those bastards that might come here, and somehow, I think you would enjoy the fight! Mister, you have any idea what I am?  Why I'm hold up here, bleeding, with a gun?"  She stared at him, without fear.
 LaCroix looked deep into her eyes and said. "You do have an aura of death about you.  Not yours, but others.  How fascinating!"
 She suddenly said soberly, "And so do you."  Then she collapsed to the floor!
 With his vampire abilities, LaCroix heard the approaching men and their steady heartbeats.  He glanced down at the woman and bent over to pocket her gun.  Then he lifted her into his arms and strode over to the window.  With a last glance back, he leapt into the night air.

 "And that's all I know about her." LaCroix said.  He gave his fellow vampire a slight grin. "Has business been good lately?"
 Knight frowned. "Yes and no. This happened tonight?"  He pulled out his cellular phone and quickly called his partner, Tracy Vetter. 
  "Yeah, Trace?  Sorry, I had an emergence.  What's going on?"  he asked.
 LaCroix could hear Vetter's reply. "You better get down here, Nick!  Reese had been asking where you were.  We've got a homicide, a big one.  Someone hit Mangoion tonight!"
 "What happened?"  Knight questioned, giving the other vampire a quick look.
 "It's crazy.  Someone took the man out right when he was eating with the Mayor!"
 "The Mayor?"
 "Yeah.  Something to do with a charity according to what my Dad told me.  Seems Mangoion wanted to donate some money to the hospital and he wanted the Mayor to do it for him. From what my father says, Mangoion was dying from cancer and he wanted to turn over a lot of money to the hospital that he was using. I guess the hospital had turned down his offer once."  Vetter's father was the police commissioner and was friends with the current Mayor.
 Knight was puzzled by the crime lord wanting the Mayor to intercede and he said so.
 "Get this!  Mangoion and the Mayor go way back.  They went to the same schools, the same church.  They even lived in the same block when they were kids!  According to my father, Mangoion and the Mayor were old friends at one time.  Maybe he wanted to make sure the Feds didn't seize all his money in case of his death.  Whatever the reason, you better get down here!" 
 Knight heard his bosses voice yelling in the back ground and he quickly told Vetter he would be right there.
 "I heard, Nicholas.  It seems my new friend is quite talented!"  LaCroix appeared to be happy.  Knight, though, was thinking fast.  He put his phone away and stepped over a busy Natalie.
 "How is she, Nat?"
 With a shake of her head, Natalie replied.  "She should be in a hospital, Nick!  She's lost a lot of blood!  I removed the one bullet, the other was a through and through."
 "Nat, would you be all right if I left?  I just talked to Tracy and the Captain is yelling for me."  He left out the reason as Natalie gave her patient a quick look.
 "I have some more work to do here.  Will I be safe?"  She addressed the last to LaCroix.
 He gave her an almost wounded look.  "Of course, dear lady!  I give my word!"
 Natalie turned back to Knight and told him.  "Go, Nick.  LaCroix gave his word."
 Knight didn't look like he liked his choices, but he and LaCroix had clashed once over Natalie and the older vampire knew what would happen if he harmed the woman.   Or let the others harm her!  Besides, Natalie wanted to stay with the injured woman and finish the job.
 Swiftly, Knight bent forward and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll leave the car here."  He told her and after giving LaCroix a meaningful look, left.
 Natalie watched him go and then turned to the older vampire. "I'll need some things, LaCroix.  Do you have anyone who can get them for me?"
 LaCroix nodded.  "Of course.  I am yours to command!" He told her with a sardonic smile.


 At the station house, Knight found that Tracy hadn't been stretching the truth any about the chaos there.  Reporters were milling about the place and he pushed past some to reach his desk.  A harried Tracy saw him.
 "Nick!"  She rushed over. "Reese is about to pull his hair out.  Where were you?"
 "At a friend's.  Fill me in."  he said, to forestall any more questions about his whereabouts.
 Quickly his partner told him what she knew.  It wasn't much.
 "The Mayor and Mangoion were having dinner at Valchi's on Sixth.  After the last course, Mangoion went to the men's room.  An attendant found his body."  Tracy paused and whispered. "Rumor has it one of his bodyguards fired at the killer..but he won't tell us if he did or not."
 It had been LaCroix's woman, Knight was sure of it!  He grimaced as he thought about how to keep the older vampire out of the limelight.  A sudden bellow alerted him of his Captains wish to see him and Knight headed for Reese's  office.
 Reese was very upset, to say the least. "I wish my detectives would let us know where they are!  Maybe we could get some crime solved here!"  He glared at Knight, who put an apologetic look on his face.  Reese simmered down some as he continued.
 "I assume your partner has informed you of the goings on?  Good.  Then you know what we know.  Which is to say..nothing!"  He groused as Tracy entered the room.
 "Uh, Captain? Should Nick and I go back over the crime scene?" She asked.
 "You know your job, Vetter!"
 "Yes, Sir..but you ordered no one to cross the tape till you said so."  She reminded him, hesitantly.
 "I meant the press, not you!  Get going you two!  Even if Mangoion was slime, he was eating with the Mayor!  Find out who killed him."  He ordered and sat down behind his desk, already searching for his antacid.
 The two detectives grabbed their coats and headed for the restaurant.  As they rode up town in Vetter's car, Tracy turned on the radio and said.
 "Hey!  Your friend isn't on!"  She said as another voice came over the speaker.
 "Oh?  I hadn't noticed. " Knight lied with a preoccupied look. His partner gave him a quick peek, and saw the look.   Wondering what he was thinking about, she almost asked when a call came over the police radio.
 Hey, listen!" She said as the dispatcher informed them of two bodies found in an abandoned building not far from the restaurant.
 "Think we should check it out?"  She asked, just as the dispatcher told them who the bodies could be.  Mangoion's body guards!
 As Knight heard this, he felt a pounding begin in his temple.  Vampire or not, he was getting a headache!


 Natalie had left to go back to her bodies and LaCroix was alone with his discovery.  He sat in a chair beside the bed, musing on the fact that he hadn't shared his bed with any one in..years.  A smile tugged on his full lips.  And he wouldn't be sharing one today!  The good doctor had assured him that the woman would probably sleep away the daylight hours, recovering from the loss of blood.  That was the one thing LaCroix envied the mortals.  They could renew their blood, their bodies replenishing the vital fluid, just as long as not too much was taken at one time, that is!
 He got up once to make sure the woman was covered and then he listened to the sounds of the club.  Even through the thick door, he could tell what was going on out there. The place was winding down and those who slept in the basement would soon be retiring to their beds.  He sensed when the last ones were gone and he rose to lock up the place.  He wasn't surprised to find Vachone still there.  The Spaniard had ties with Nicholas's partner.
 "Isn't it time for bed?"  LaCroix asked in a dry tone.
 "Yeah."  Vachone appeared nervous around LaCroix most of the time, he knew the uncertain temper of the older vampire. "I just, uh, wanted to know if you, uh, needed any help."
 "I believe I can handle closing the club on my own."
 "Yeah, right!  See you."  Vachone disappeared quickly and LaCroix went about closing his club up, an amused look on his face.  He would remember the other vampire's offer of help in the future.  Perhaps there was hope for the boy yet!
 Door all locked, LaCroix returned to his room and settled down on the small sofa against one wall.  Outside the sun began it's climb and he felt the call of the earth.  Even a vampire as old as he needed to rest when the sun was high!  Soon the room was quiet, except for the sound of one person breathing.


 She was aching when she came too.  And puzzled.  Where was she?  Cautiously, the woman raised her head off the pillow and looked around.  The room wasn't familiar..but he was!  She stifled a moan of pain as she moved to stare at the sleeping man.  He must of brought her here after she passed out. But why?  She studied the sleeping face.  It was pale, paler than her own skin ever was and it framed full lips and a classic profile.  Even sleeping, the man exuded an aura of power.  Slowly the woman smiled.  For some reason, she felt she was okay here, and laid her head back down on the pillow.  As she drifted off again, she wondered what nagged her about the man at the back of her mind.  Whatever it was, it would have to wait.


 He felt the sun go down and he opened his eyes to find that dark ones were watching him.  Slowly, LaCroix sat up.  The woman was sitting in the chair, a sheet around her and she was staring at him.  Not in fear, but in speculation.
 "I see you are feeling better."  LaCroix said as he got to his feet.  The hunger was on him and he could smell her blood pumping in her veins. With an iron will, he moved away from the temptation, going to his private 'wine' rack.
 "Somewhat."  Her eyes followed him as he took out a bottle and downed a drink.  For some reason, he didn't want to use her for his need, not quite yet.      
 "Why did you bring me here?"  She asked, never taking her eyes off him.  They were full of questions  that demanded answers.  A strong woman, he thought as he replaced the bottle and returned to the sofa.
 "You needed my help."  He replied. "My name is LaCroix."
 "You can call me Devon." she replied, not bothering to pull up the sheet, which had slipped a bit. "And thank you, LaCroix, for rescuing me.  But that doesn't really answer my question.  Why?"
 He smiled. "Let's just say I don't adhere to today's rules."
 Devon's face was pale as she said.  "Is it because your not human?"
 Few things ever surprised LaCroix.  Her announcement did.
 "What do you mean?"  He asked.
 "You don't breath when you sleep.  I watched you."  She pointed out.
 "And..does this bother you?"  He asked, all ready to impose his will on the woman if need be.
 But Devon surprised him yet again with her answer. "Not if it doesn't you.  For that matter, people have accused me of being inhuman many times.  But in your case...."
 LaCroix was getting over his surprise.  He was really going to enjoy this one's company!  He gave her a answer.
 "I am what you would call a vampire."


 Knight felt he was between the proverbial rock and a hard place.  His Captain was yelling for results and his..friend had the answers.  Unfortunately, if he knew LaCroix, the older vampire wouldn't let go of his newest attraction.  Certainly not for the police to arrest!
 "Hey, Nick!  Why so glum?"  Natalie's voice came at his shoulder.  The woman had come looking for him, finding him in the squad room.  The place was quiet and half empty for the moment and she moved closer to ask.  "It's not..."
 "No, she's okay as far as I know."  Knight gave her a smile.  She returned it with a questioning look. "It's LaCroix and the Captain.  Reese wants this thing solved, the Mayor's yelling and so is the press for the moment."
 "And LaCroix?"  She asked, not trusting the other vampire at all.  At least not to cause Knight problems.
 "He's..attracted to the woman."  Knight admitted.
 Natalie assumed a knowing look and said. "This could cause problems.  You know those two who were the bodyguards?  Cause of death will read broken necks."
 Knight sighed.  He feared as much after LaCroix had told him about the guards hunting the assassin.
 "Yep. Looks like your buddy removed one problem and created another."  She said. "Nick, what are you going to do?"
 Knight's pale face became full of purpose as he rose from his chair.  His partner was gone on her own information hunt, probably to the vampire Vachon. Knight would have to talk to LaCroix.
 He grabbed his coat and gave Natalie a quick "See you later."  and headed for the club.


 Tracy entered the old church cautiously.  Although Vachon was her friend ( and she sometimes wanted him to be more!), she never knew when other vampires might be lurking in the shadows. Like that rat guy, the KA-RUSCH, Screed.  Tracy shivered.  The thought of the Karusch gave her the chills. She hated rats! 
 As she came to the top of the stairs, she called out, "Vachon?"  in a quiet voice.  You didn't need to shout for a vampire to hear you.
 "Over here, Tracy."  The Spaniards voice came from the candle lit room. "Busy tonight?"
 She gave him a tired grin and sat down on the old sofa next to him. "You heard, uh?"
 He smiled. "Vampire's read the paper too, you know."  He teased her. "So, you working on the big case?"
 "Yeah.  But we've gotten no where! Now the bodyguards have turned up with broken necks.  And we don't have a clue to who the hitter was."  She looked at the vampire with her honest blue eyes.
 Vachon felt his blood need rise to the temptation Tracy's closeness.  That was always the problem with vampire and mortals. A vampire could smell and 'hear' the blood flowing through the mortals, even the ones they..liked, causing them to feel the hunger.  But Vachon was used to pushing that aside and he gave the mortal a glance with his dark eyes.
 "And you want me to tell you what I've heard?"
 "Come on, Vachon!  You hear things, you said so yourself!"  She didn't pout, but only gave him a pleading look.
 Vachon couldn't help but smile.  Tracy was very old fashion in most things, most mortals were.  But she had taken his existence fairly easily.  He privately wondered what she would say if she knew her partner was one too?
 "Vachon?"  Her voice beckoned him back.
 "Trace..I don't know anything about this."  He hedged.  But Tracy was a good cop and could smell a lie, even from a centuries old vampire.
 "Vachon, please!  The press is having a hay day with this!  They've accused the Mayor of being in bed with Mangoion. Some are calling for his resignation!"  She exclaimed.
 Shrugging, Vachon replied. "You  know the doings of the mortals don't interest me much."
 Tracy looked down at her hands and told him. "The Mayor's also a friend of my Fathers.  And I think he's too good a man to be dragged into this."
 Sighing, Vachon gave in.  "Okay, okay!  I'll see what I can find out!  But don't pin your hopes on me, okay?"
 Tracy beamed at him. "I won't!  Look, I've got to get back, see you later?"
 He smiled up at her as she rose to go, "Sure.  I'll see you before day."
 She left him with a smile and headed for the station house.
 Alone, Vachon said out loud. "This is going to difficult, old buddy!  Do you disappoint a woman or anger a Master?"  He threw his hands up in the air. "Tough choice!"


 Knight entered the club, ignoring the glances the female's gathered there threw him.  Vampire and mortal alike.  He spotted LaCroix at a far table and he wasn't alone.
 "Can I talk to you?"  Knight asked as he came up. The assassin was sitting across from the vampire.  She looked better, but still smelled of wounded flesh.
 "Nicholas, how good of you to grace us!  Please sit down." LaCroix's voice was cheerful, but behind that cheerfulness was a request not to be denied.  Knight did as he asked.
 "Nicholas, this is Devon. You remember her from the other night?"  LaCroix asked, his eyes twinkling. "Nicholas is a police officer, Devon, a detective.  And he's working on a big case at the moment."
 As Knight grimaced at LaCroix's words, he felt the woman's eyes on him. He stared back at her and saw what interested the older vampire.  Strength and the lack of fear.  He wondered if she knew what LaCroix was?
 "Lucius has been telling me about you."  Devon told him. "It seems I have your friend to thank for my care."
 "LaCroix,.."  Knight began, but LaCroix held up his hand.
 "Nicholas, please.  It's a nice night and I don't want to ruin Devon's first time at the club."  This was said pleasantly, but there was a hidden message there.  Not now!
 But Devon spoke up. "No, Lucius, let the man speak."
 Knight gave LaCroix a quick glance then asked. "Do you know anything about the death of Mangoion the other night?"
 Devon didn't hesitate. "You know I do, Detective Knight.  I was the one who shot him."
 "I told you that you didn't have to say anything to him about it."  LaCroix sharply reminded her.  She shot him a hard glance and continued.
 "I was hired by his son, Mangoion Junior.  The old man was going to use the families money to build his hospital wing. Money that made selling drugs.  Ironic,uh? Well, Junior wasn't happy about the family losing all that money and hired hitters.  I was the only one who could get the old bastard."
 Knight was surprised that she told him all this.  He also was surprised to hear the anger in her voice when she mentioned the man's name. 
 Devon saw the look of surprise on the other's face and could feel the disapproval coming off LaCroix.
 "You can't prove I did it, Detective, and I'm not coming down to the station house and confess.  I'm telling you this because your Lucius's friend and I know I can trust you."
 "But I'm also a cop."  He reminded her.
 She smiled slightly.  "You're also a vampire.  Just like half the people in here tonight."
 Knight gave LaCroix a angry look, but the other just said.
 "Don't look at me, Nicholas!  She's very observant."
 "He didn't tell me, Detective."  Devon told him. "As he said, I'm very observant.  I have to be.  And there is another reason I'm telling you this."
 "And that is?"  Knight asked.
 "The man Mangoion was having diner with?  I was to of hit him too."
 Knight was stunned. "The Mayor?  But, why?"
 "I didn't know he was the Mayor until I saw him at the table.  Junior just said the person with him was a risk also.  But when I was checking the place out, I recognized the Mayor from the mornings paper."  She told him. "I don't live here, so I didn't know who the man was at first.  Then I went back and checked the paper again. Then I checked with some friends and found out what kind of man the Mayor was."  Her dark eyes grew hard and LaCroix smiled. "I found out the Mayor was a decent man who just happen to of grown up in the same neighbor hood as that bastard.  He didn't deserve to be killed."
 "And that made a difference?" Knight queried.
 "I don't do this just to kill."  She shot back. "I do it for a living, yes.  But I don't kill undeserving targets!  The Mayor would of been dead if I had found out he was rotten and in league with Mangoion, believe me!"
 Knight pondered her words.  The assassin was telling the truth, at least as far as he could tell.
 "Was this personal?"  he suddenly asked. "Mangoion?  Was it personal with you?  You sound different when you say his name."
 "You're damn right it was personal!"  Devon's eyes sparked with emotion as she replied. "Thanks to Mangoion, my brother is dead and so are some other good people!"
 "So, you would of done him anyway?"
 She sighed, her anger gone, almost. "No..not now. He was dying and it was going to be painful.  I checked.  But Junior wanted him dead now and offered me a good reason to do it."
 Knight gave a twisted smile. "Money."
 "No." Devon replied in a sudden exhausted voice. "The life  of my brothers little girl."
 Again, the centuries old vampire and the younger one were surprised by information from the assassin.  She saw this and went on, her wounds suddenly hurting like hell but she needed to tell them this.
 "Believe it or not, I was getting out of the business.  I have money enough and other businesses to keep me busy."  She said, reaching for the glass of liquid before her.  She paused and took a drink of the vintage wine it held. "My brother, John, had a child when he was sixteen.  Our parents were killed years before and he was raised by a Aunt.  She wasn't too strict with him and he was wild.  Even when he got to thirty, he was wild.  But his daughter meant a lot to him and he always saw that she was taken care of.  Maybe that's why he worked for Mangoion.  Easy money.  I told him different, but he wouldn't listen."
 "Did he know what you did for a living?"  Knight asked softly.
 "Some of it.  See, I wasn't raised by my Aunt.  She didn't want a girl around. Competition I guess.  So I was raised by a friend of my Father's."  Devon paused, as if thinking about what to say next. "I killed my first man at the age of twelve.  He was the one who ordered my parents killed."
 Knight couldn't think of what to say.  She was a killer, just as they were, what could he say?
 "Martin, the man who raised me, was a ex-navy seal.  He taught me how to fire any gun and use a knife, along with other things and he knew why I wanted to learn these things."
 "But, didn't he object?"  Knight asked in surprise.
 "He tried.  But when I ran off with his hand gun and headed for the bastard's ranch on my own, he knew then that he had to teach me.  I was ten when my parents were murdered.  They were murdered because my Father wouldn't sell his land."  She said in a harsh tone. "So I learned.  But I also made a vow not to kill any one who didn't deserve it.  And don't tell me I'm not the one who should decide. Too many criminals escape the law because they had the money to hire a top notch lawyer and get off.  You as a police officer should know that!  How many men have you arrested only to have them get off?  Ones that you knew were guilty? Or, Detective, how many have you served justice on yourself?" Her words were penetrating. And true.  Knight had served his own brand of justice a couple of times on the job.
 "The press is linking the Mayor with Mangoion."  he said. "Now you tell me that his son wants the mayor dead too.  I can't tell him either, can I?"
 "No.  He wouldn't believe you.  Besides, Junior is after me now.  I didn't fulfill my contract."  Devon told him, her face drawn with pain.  But that suddenly disappeared as her face became cold. "But Junior has a problem now.  He lied to me and set me up with the bodyguards."
 "And that angers you."  Knight guessed.
 "No, that pisses me off!  Believe me, that's far worse!"  She ground out.
 "Junior can wait."  LaCroix spoke up. "You've over tired yourself and need to rest."
 Knight stared at his friend hearing the tone in LaCroix's voice.  The older vampire was more than just interested in Devon.  He was very, very, interested!
 As the assassin let LaCroix take her back to the room so that she could rest, Knight waited for him to return.  That was when Vachon showed up.
 "Evening, Knight."
 "Your partner is probably looking for you."  Vachon said, leaning against the bar on one elbow. His Spanish eyes full of questions.
 "Don't tell me.  Tracy went to you for any word."  Knight guessed.
 "Yeah.  You think LaCroix would let me live if I told Tracy about the woman?"  Vachon asked, not very seriously.
 "LaCroix would tear you apart."  Knight replied flatly.
 Vachon sighed. "I was afraid of that!"
Knight suddenly had an idea, though.  He turned to the shorter vampire and said. "You can tell her this."  he preceded to tell Vachon about the threat to the Mayor's life.  he knew that if Tracy told her father then perhaps the Mayor would be told and he would take it seriously.
 Looking a little brighter, Vachon listened and then left to find Tracy.
 LaCroix ambled back to the bar. "She is resting.  What is it you wish to talk to me about, Nicholas?"
 Knight knew that his friend wouldn't be happy about what he was gong to say, but he went on anyway.
 "The whole city is looking for her, LaCroix."  he said. "Now two of the bodyguards turned up with broken necks."
 "Really?"  LaCroix replied in a bored tone. "I heard they fell down some stairs.  Clumsy of them, wasn't it?"
 Knight frowned. He knew that the older vampire had killed the men. He gazed at his mentor with serious eyes.  "Do you plan on bringing her over?"
 LaCroix smiled with a mysterious air. "Perhaps.  One such as she would make eternity interesting, don't you think?"
 "For you, perhaps."  Knight sighed. "But I'd be careful, old friend. The Enforcers could hear of her."
 LaCroix's lips twisted in a sneer, but he didn't argue with Knight.  Even he didn't want trouble with the Enforcers, vampires that safe guarded the knowledge of their very existence.
 "unfortunately even my talents probably couldn't change her memories."  He said this a little proudly, Knight thought.
 "Then be careful LaCroix!  I'm not the only one nosing around for leads as to the hitter.  Someone else could discover who she is.  And where."  Knight warned before leaving.
 LaCroix leaned against the bar in thought.  He knew his pupil was correct.  Having the assassin here could bring trouble to their kind, trouble and perhaps discovery.  Suddenly he smiled.  Ah! It was great to be alive!  Even as a vampire!
 Tracy saw her partner enter the squad room and she rushed over. "Nick!  I might have something."
 "Oh, yeah?"  Knight pretended surprise.
 "Yeah!  My snitch tells me that word on the street that the hit was suppose to include the Mayor!  Can you believe it?"  She asked in wonder. "Why hit him?"
 "Maybe they wanted to throw suspicion on his party."
 "Nah, I don't think it's that. That's too...easy."  Tracy thought about it more then shrugged her shoulders.  "I told my father, thinking he could tell the Mayor to be on the look out.  But I don't think my Father thinks the information valid."
 Knight replied. "Sounds valid to me.  Even if it's not, it's better to safe than sorry."
 "That's what I told father!"  She exclaimed. "He said not to worry, that the Mayor has plenty of guards around him and no one could get to him in is home."
 "Let's hope he's right."  Knight told her.  Privately, he knew different!


 The sun wasn't far off when LaCroix entered his room and found it empty! He uttered a curse in Latin, one from the battle field, and whirled around.  He had to call Knight!


 The Mayor was slumped in his favorite chair, alone in his study as his wife had gone to bed hours ago.  A empty bottle sat next to him.  He had spent a rough night fending off reporters about his connection to Mangoion.  God!  He wished he had never met the bastard!  The press didn't believe he had nothing to do with the man's criminal activities. He had only met with him because the man promised a large sum of money to the hospital, which sorely needed it.  But those stiff necks on the board vetoed not to accept the mobster's money!  Hell!  Money was money when it came to keeping people alive!  All he had wanted to do was find some way of getting the board to take the money, that was all.  Then the hit happened and the resulting publicity was on it's way to ruining his career. His hard work to stay fairly honest going down the drain. Just because he had dinner with Mangoion!
 The Mayor was dead tired. But a sudden cold presence on the back of his neck perked him right up!
 "Don't turn around, Your Honor."  It was a woman's voice!
 "You come to finish the job?"  he asked, proud that there wasn't a tremor in his voice.
 "No..I came to warn you.  I figured if you heard it from the horses mouth, you'd believe it."  The gun was removed, but not too far. "I shot Mangoion and was supposed to hit you also."
 "Why didn't you?" He couldn't help but ask.
 "Because for an politician, your pretty straight." She replied. "Not that I expect you to be a choir boy."
 "I'm not.  No politician could be and stay in office."  he said, wearily. " came to warn me?"
 "Yes.  The one who gave me the hit will probably try again.  Not with me, though."  A touch of anger sounded in her voice.
 "I guess I should thank you, then."
 "Don't mention it.  To anyone."  She warned and the gun touched his neck again.
 The Mayor couldn't help but shut his eyes in reaction.  But when he opened them, he was alone!  Wide awake now, he carefully turned around.  The study was empty.  Slowly, he reached for the bottle and found it empty.
 "Maybe this is a sign."  He said, addressing the empty bottle. "Time to quite.  Well, it would please the wife!"
 He smiled slightly, then became serious.  If the hit woman could get in here, anyone could!  He grabbed the phone and called his security team.  It was time to tighten things up around here!


 Franklin Mangoion was furious!  His dark good looks, thanks to his mother and not his father, were strained as he faced his second in command.
 "You told me she was the best!  Why didn't she kill the Mayor too?"  he demanded.
 Viloney sighed. "I warned you, Franklin! The Angel won't hit innocents!"
 "For Christ's sake!  He's a politician!"  Franklin ground out.
 "Be that as it may, she didn't hit him."  Viloney looked worried. "She'll be pissed, you lied to her.  I've heard bad things about what happens to those who lie to her."
 Franklin Mangoion assumed a look of confidence. "Let her try!  Tell the boys to be ready, I want them to be looking for her, hard!"
 "Tony and Gill said that they wounded her before they..died."   Viloney said. "I don't think she killed them."
 "I don't care!  I want her dead!  And I want the Mayor dead too! I have Miller in my pocket and he will be the next Mayor.  Think of what that means for us!"  Franklin exclaimed.
 But his second still looked glum. "I am.  I'm also thinking about what the Angel will do."
 Franklin sneered. "Let her try.  She's only a woman isn't she?  Besides, this place is a fortress! Now, call the men together."  He ordered. 
 Unhappily, Viloney complied. He thought his boss was wrong.  The Angel of Death wasn't just a woman!  She was..death!
 He felt the sun sink and his body immediately became aware of another by his side in the bed. Frustrated by not being able to follow Devon, LaCroix had laid down on the bed to await night. He found her beside him.
 Turning, he rose on one elbow and found that she was staring back at him.  He also smelled blood.
 "Why did you leave?"  He asked quietly. "You aren't well enough to be running around."
 Devon lay on her side, facing him.  Her shoulder appeared wet in the darkness, her face paler then usually.
 "I had to warn the Mayor.  I figured he listen to me." Her dark eyes appraised LaCroix. "You were worried."
 "Of course!" He didn't try to keep the feeling out of his voice as he reached forward and touched her face.  His cool hand could feel the heat rising from her flesh.  Fever!
 "You've become..special to me."  He confessed. No woman had been special since...well, along time! He didn't want to lose her.
 "I had to tell him, Lucius.  Even if your friend warned him, he might not believe him.  Like I said, I don't kill innocents."  She rolled to lay back on the bed. "If I hadn't tried and Junior killed him, it would be as if I did.  Do you understand?"
 "Maybe."  He sighed. "I was a General a long, long time ago. I ordered armies to march to their death's many times.  But I still regretted the needless ones."
 "Even now?"  She turned her head to face him, the fever brightening her eyes. "You need blood to survive, don't you?"
 "Yes.  But that can be taken without death.  Most of the times.  I won't lie, I've killed to live.  And I'll kill again.  But to kill without discrimination I've learned is to court trouble." He was loath to leave her side, but the club needed to be opened.  He told her so and she replied.
 "Go.  I need to rest now, anyway."  She told him.  As he rose to dress, she added. "But Lucius?"
 "Come back when you can."

Second Part is Coming!